Project pricing varies due to the level of difficulty and training required as well as the cost of equipment. We use only the highest level of equipment proven Safe, Effective and Efficient for operations and training. Operations conducted by highly skilled, licensed and insured pilots at all times. We guarantee you will be pleased with every service you receive!
Savings for ongoing contracts and multiple projects scheduled at the same time.
Photography and media creation
(including video editing). =$125/Hr average
Mapping, survey and project updates etc.
Using photgrammetry and mapping software. This includes most specialized property or crop inspections= $150/hr minimum, with per acre and per day pricing available for large projects.
Thermal and Infrared Imaging
Added to visual inspections for locating damage to roofing, siding, electrical systems, pipelines, structures, solar panels etc. =$150 to 175/Hr with per day and square footage pricing available for large projects for cost savings!
Training and consulting for fire, police, construction, industrial, farming etc.
Charged by project scope. May include basic safety and flight training, part 107 FAA certification prep, equipment training for specialized scanning and software use, assistance with selecting the best products for your specific needs, assisting your team with creating equipment maintenance logs and system checks, preventive/predictive maintenance, on call assistance for emergencies and much more. Call today and schedule a meeting with our team for a Free program etimate!